I must confess that my compositional approach, consequent on my musical education, heavily influences my sharp receptiveness to the countless paths of music: pop, jazz, rap and rock, obviously sifted through my sensitivity. All these genres will be largely present in my near future.

Consequently, I love experimenting, and combining classical music to less conventional themes that brought me to work with artists and groups, such as Elio from Elio e le Storie Tese, the SAT Choir, Virgilio Savona, Paolo Fresu, Arrigo Cappelletti, Carlos Nunez, Roby Lakatos…

With Isabella Turso, I recorded a professedly pop CD entitled “Omaggio a Donaggio” (“Tribute to Donaggio”), including piano renditions of Donaggio’s film scores written for Brian De Palma.

Lately I developed a love for rock, enough to revive Scorpions and Berliner Philharmoniker’s famous concert with High Voltage and the JFutura orchestra.

I’d also like to mention a brief – and recent – foray into rap that will result in a rap-opera with Michele Tadini.



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